
First time in Canada! Montreal, during a snow storm. They have lakes that freeze here – how wild is that? Speaking of wild, the ceiling on my plane was leaking a significant amount of water, and the flight attendant at one point announced

Ladies and gentlemen, if someone has a dog on board, please come and claim it. It is roaming freely in first class.

So you could say that there’s a … delta … between a tight ship and what they run.


Equifax and Credit Freeze tips

You probably heard Equifax was breached -more info here:

Go here and enroll:

Once you’ve enrolled (and Equifax has confirmed you’ve enrolled), follow the instructions here to put a freeze with all 4 credit bureaus:
You also should probably put a freeze on your child’s credit while you’re at it.

Key to Austin Living

In the summer, get in the water.

  1. Get yourself a stock tank
  2. Get a pool pump this thing
  3. Level some ground, put down some crushed granite
  4. (optional) build a deck around the tank
  5. Get some chlorine and administer weekly
  6. Rinse your pool filter every couple of weeks with a strong water jet to keep it clean and functional
  7. Enjoy!
stock tank pool

stock tank pool

Android Auto

I’m only a little late to the game here, but I’ve been trying out the Android Auto phone app, and it’s pretty great. Just what I need when I’m driving with my phone dash mounted, nothing more. Also some major improvements in voice control for texts and reading of texts when on the road. Finally puts Android up to par with Cortana for driver friendly notification and response. Very pleased so far!

Whether it’s real or not

I know a lot of cynics will say it’s a political ploy, but this is a pretty powerful message:

Regardless of whether this guy is telling the truth, or if it’s a clever bit of political marketing, I know that the ACA helped a good friend of ours – perhaps even saved her life. Before, her pre-existing condition prevented her from getting insurance and the surgery she needed, and she was pretty much wasting away. It’s definitely not perfect, and our system’s still basically screwed up, but it’s a little less screwed up now that people who need help can get it.
What we need now is not a repeal, but a strengthening of the law, improvements in the ways insurance raise premiums, in the way data can and must be shared among providers, and in the way that states provide Medicaid expansion.